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MarShere Products & Services

Group Classes

MarShere offers a variety of group classes every week for different age groups. Please check with your Studio as to the days and times of the classes you wish to attend. There are two attendance options available for our group classes:

- Casual: Clients pay on a class by class basis. Clients can turn up on the night, with no need to book.

- Membership: Clients can pay by attaining a membership. Payments for memberships are deducted fortnightly via Direct Debit. Class admission is not transferrable to other pupils, and is only valid at the MarShere Studio nominated. Please see staff at reception for more information about the different memberships that are available.

Private Lessons

Private Lessons are available on a one-on-one, couple or small group basis with a qualified dance teacher for ½ hour, 45 minute or 1 hour lessons. Bookings are essential for these lessons. 24 hours notice of cancellation is required on Private Lessons booked otherwise the Private Lesson fee may be charged.


MarShere offers a wide range of products including dance shoes, apparel and general merchandise, which are on display at the Studio and on the website.


Payment for all of our Products and Services can be paid by Cash, Cheque, Eftpos, Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard) and pre-purchased MarShere Gift Cards. American Express and Diner’s Club cards are not accepted. Direct Debit facilities are available for Memberships ONLY. Lay-by is also available on products and services over $100.

Merchandise Returns Policy

Change of Mind Returns

MarShere does not offer returns, refunds or exchanges for change of mind.

Other Returns

MarShere will accept returns and provide the customer with an exchange, refund or repair within 3 months of purchase where:

- The product is faulty or is not of merchantable quality, or
- The product is not fit for its intended purpose, or
- The product does not match the sample or our description; &

- You can present your receipt or other adequate proof of purchase.

MarShere reserves the right to assess the condition and age of returned goods prior to offering a repair, exchange or refund. This may result in a repair, exchange or refund being refused.

If the product is deemed to have a minor fault and meets with the criteria above, this will result in the product being repaired. If the product is deemed to have a major fault and meets with the criteria above, this will result in the product being exchanged or refunded. Occasionally it may be necessary to seek a second opinion from the supplier (MarShere Franchising Pty Ltd) before a repair, exchange or refund can be processed.

Studio Details

Right of Admission

We reserve the right to refuse entry to any person and have the right to cancel admission or membership (if applicable) without warning or notice for the following:

- Disrespectful behaviour that may be deemed threatening or harassing to any staff or clients, which includes abusive language or inappropriate physical contact.
- Any perceived risks that may affect the safety of our staff and clients, including but not limited to, the use of illegal drugs.

- Breach of any condition in this Customer Code of Conduct.

Warnings will be given for any breach of these conditions. Should a second warning be required, then immediate expulsion will be made.

Dress Code

MarShere endeavours to project a professional image, so we require all clients to be dressed in smart casual attire. Torn, ripped or dirty clothing or workwear is not considered acceptable. For security and safety reasons, no caps or hats are to be worn within the Studio, and appropriate footwear must be worn at all times.

Operating Hours

Each Studio’s operating hours may differ between locations and are available upon request at the Studio.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is prohibited in all MarShere Dance Studios. Smoking can only be conducted in designated smoking areas outside the Studio.

Responsibility for Damage

Our Studios are well presented and maintained to ensure our clients have a wonderful experience. If you come across something that is not to our usual standard please bring it to our attention. You are responsible for any damage which you may cause to any part of the Studio, if such damage is caused by your wilful act or negligence.

Responsibility for Possessions

It is important that you look after your own belongings, as MarShere does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to property.


Vehicles and their contents, parked in any Studio carpark or elsewhere on the premises of any Studio are left at the owners’ risk and MarShere will accept no liability for loss or damage.

Change of Details

Please keep us informed of any change of address, email address, contact numbers and any other information relevant to your patronage with MarShere.


From time to time we engage contractors to provide some of their services. Any claim which you may have as a result of an act or failure to act by such a contractor (whether or not payment has been made to the contractor) will be brought against, and will be the responsibility of that contractor and not MarShere. You hereby release, and indemnify and keep indemnified, us for any claim suffered by you as a result of an act or omission by a contractor engaged by MarShere. MarShere will at all times assist where possible to resolve any conflict or issues with contractors.

Damages/Personal Injury

Limitation of Liability

You hereby release and forever discharge us from all actions, suits, proceedings claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, fines, costs and expenses however arising that you may have had but for this release arising from or in connection with your involvement in dancing activities of MarShere or being on Studio premises; and indemnify MarShere to the extent permitted by law in respect to these arising as a result of or in connection with your involvement in dancing activities of MarShere or being on Studio premises and whether caused or contributed to directly or indirectly, by any act of negligence other than gross negligence to the fullest extent permitted by law, breach of duty, default and/or omission on the part of MarShere or otherwise.

Release and Indemnity

You agree that MarShere Dance Studios shall not be liable for any loss, damage or theft of any property belonging to, or brought on to any Studio premises by you, occurring on said premises except where caused by gross negligence of MarShere. Also that MarShere shall not be liable for any death, personal injury or illness occurring upon any Studio premises or as a result of the use of facilities provided by MarShere, except to the extent that such death, personal injury or illness arises from the gross negligence of MarShere.

Privacy Statement & Acknowledgement

In the course of establishing a Contract with you and during that Term, we will obtain access to certain sections of your personal information (such as information concerning your financial position). MarShere will only use, disclose or deal with such information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

Complaints and Feedback

All complaints and feedback are to be directed to the Studio Owner who will respond to you within 3 business days to discuss the matter. Should you feel that the complaint has not been resolved effectively, then you can contact MarShere Head Office via directors@marshere.com.au

Give MarShere a Go.

Free trial class!
Register for your free class and try Ballroom, Tango, Salsa and more with no commitment, 100% free - at one of our modern Studios, located around Melbourne. You don't even need to bring a partner!